[Trans] 'Rewind' Chinese lyrics~


*Stop Rewind Rewind
Stop Rewind Rewind Rewind Rewind
Stop, Rewind, Play
指针还在原地徘徊 困在时间迷宫的爱
The pointer continues to revolve on the spot/It’s trapped in the love of the maze of time
那未来又和过去倒带 说了早安黑夜就来
Once again the future and past rewind/In the blink of an eye, morning turns to night
谁带我穿越到过去 把现实都忘记
Who will take me to the past and forget the present
来挽回所有曾经 让我再拥抱你
Rewind all the pasts/Let me embrace you again

纷乱的那回忆 叫人昏迷
The chaotic memories make me confused
(一起走过四季) 爱慢慢变清晰 Yeah
(together through the seasons) love is slowly becoming clear Yeah
找回那些片段 你付出的爱 我愿去等待 Oh Yeah
Looking for those moments/I’m willing to wait for the love you gave Oh Yeah
每一幕让我不想离开 Oh
Each scene makes me reluctant to leave Oh
Now stop and rewind 那年的夏天
Now stop and rewind the summer that year
时间定格幸福的画面 和你微笑的脸
Time froze the picture of happiness and your smiling face
Stop and play it 任时间的超载 Oh Girl
Stop and play it let time overload Oh Girl
How I wish for you to return to my embrace again
像梦般甜蜜 让爱继续 It's time to rewind
Sweet as a dream, let love continue, it’s time to rewind


原来的你背对我哭泣 说分手你转身离去
Your back is turned to me as you cry/You say to break up and you walk away
而我的心也没有勇气 伸出手用力抓紧你
Yet my heart lacks the courage to reach out and hold you tight
全世界剩冰冷空气 和我呐喊回音
Only this freezing air and the echo of my scream is left in the world
不相信失去了你 心却还是如一
Can’t believe I’ve lost you, yet my heart is still the same

或许我曾错过 某些细节
Perhaps I have missed some details
(时间往前一点) 找变化的起点 Yeah
(Let time move forward a little) Find out where it started to change Yeah
那些爱的碎片 我也想努力去拼凑完全 Oh Yeah
I want to try and piece those fragments of love together Oh Yeah
I don’t want to let love leave again

Now stop and rewind 那年的冬天
Now stop and rewind the winter that year
时间定格温暖的光线 有你在我身边
Time froze the warm sunshine with you by my side
Stop and play it 任时间的超载 Oh Girl
Stop and play it/let time overload Oh Girl

How I wish for you to return to my embrace
像梦般甜蜜 让爱继续 It's time to rewind
Sweet as a dream/let love continue it’s time to rewind

现在起时间的变奏曲 你的心 (会珍惜) 给的感动藏心底
With the variations of time, I (will treasure) your love and keep it in the bottom of my heart

我的时间又逆时针 go 痕迹不断出现在我左右
My time is rewinding again, go/traces keep appearing around me
你把你的痕迹留在我身边 这让我沉浸在那回忆里无法逃脱
All the traces you have left by my side make me sink in the memories, unable to escape
你笑容带着甜蜜很美丽 那时候的回忆是多么的想你 在脑海盘旋好清晰
Your sweet smile is beautiful/Memories of that time are filled with you/They remain so clear in my mind
时间如果可以倒带那赶快 go 穿越过去不要逃跑我们停留在这一刻
If time can rewind then go quickly/Travel through the past and don’t run away, let us stop in this moment

Now stop and rewind 时间已停摆
Now stop and rewind time has already stopped
走到你我离别的悲哀 心还是被伤害
The parting sorrow as I walk towards you has hurt my heart
Stop and play it 不管过去未来 Oh Girl
Stop and play it Regardless of the past and future Oh Girl
I’m still waiting for you who is crying to turn back
不要在掩埋 挽回这爱 It's time to rewind
Stop hiding and rewind this love It’s time to rewind
Stop Rewind Rewind
Stop Rewind Rewind Rewind Rewind

Trans by @blueeeeelf for @SunshineZhouMi
Do not repost or use our lyrics without permission




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